Adam Skandarani Adam has been working with dogs professionally since 2015 as a pet care professional and trainer. Living with and loving two Boxers who are vastly different from each other has expanded their knowledge base and their motivation to keep learning and sharing. Their love of team sports (specifically soccer and softball) has evolved into a love for dog sports.

Adam is dedicated to helping pet and performance dogs live their best lives by providing a well-rounded training approach, with an emphasis on communication and trust. Adam’s experience training cats and parrots adds depth to their understanding of the importance of positive...

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Control Unleashed in the City

Control Unleashed in the City

Adam Skandarani
Recorded webinar available now with live Q&A session on Feb. 18 at 6:30pm ET

Moved to the city and your dog isn't taking well to the hustle and bustle? Or do you enjoy taking day trips and need to keep Fido home because he can't relax when he accompanies you to the city? Or maybe your dog grew up in the city but has never been comfortable walking on leash around people and o......
