Clean Run Magazine - July 2008

Clean Run Magazine - July 2008



A few of the features: Jane Simmons-Moake concludes her series on teaching fast and independent contacts, a group of trainers provides tips for memorizing Jumpers courses, Webb and Leslie Anderson teach you how to "flip" your dog, Mary Ellen Barry presents simple exercises for teaching your dog that he should not cross behind you, Jane Killion begins a series on teaching weave poles to the Pigs Fly dog, Tracy Sklenar presents four skills to train to help you in the ring and on the road, Susan Perry starts a series on teaching your dog to work away from you, Linda Mecklenburg explains the fundamental skills needed for her handling system, Susan Salo discusses jump training for puppies, Deb Jones discusses arousal levels, Debbie Gross Sanders gives you cavaletti exercises for the dog, Kelly Misegadis discusses the important of how and when you reward, two vets look at injury prevention, and much more! 84 pages.

Select the Files tab on the left for a link to the complete table of contents.


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