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Product Reviews

Great book
By Linda Tarby from Northern California on Jun 24, 2019
I really like Sandy's new "How to Strengthen and Maintain Your 2-On/2-Off Contacts" book. It does a nice job of bringing together different aspect of maintaining contacts in one place. The book contains a number of articles that have appeared in Clean Run magazine. But, it is great to have them all in one place and be able to use them to address the different aspects of getting and maintaining contacts. Many of these aspects are interwoven and need to be considered together in order to get the desired results. Being able to just flip to the information is a big help. Having them broken out allows the reader to focus first on the big items for their dog (which can be different for each dog). The first part of the book does a great job of bringing everything together.
Comment from Clean Run Glad you liked the book! We actually did a lot of reorganization of the original articles to try to make the procedure even clearer. For the articles, we were editing them as they were written, but doing the book allowed us to look at the program in its entirety and edit from that perspective to make the material even more accessible.
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