2-On/2-Off Contacts Made Easy 2-DVD Set

2-On/2-Off Contacts Made Easy 2-DVD Set

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Author: Rachel Sanders
Format: DVD, 2 discs, NTSC format
Running Time: 1 hour, 51 minutes
Release Date: 2012

Are you unhappy with your dog's 2-on/2-off contact performance or are you starting to train a new dog for agility?

Rachel Sanders has developed a clever method of teaching a 2-on/2-off contact that eliminates much of the time-consuming and meticulous training that has been required in the past to teach a reliable 2-on/2-off contact performance. The foundation for the methodology begins away from the agility equipment. Using simple garden fencing and a travel plank to help teach the dog his end position, training can be started with a puppy as early as 12-14 weeks of age.

The program addresses teaching the dog proper weight shift and body mechanics to ensure he is performing the 2-on/2-off end position both efficiently and with as little stress on his body as possible. It also includes steps for training obstacle independence so that the dog can reliably perform his end position regardless of your handling position.

In the chapter on problem solving Rachel covers several problems, such as:

  • Coming off the side of the plank
  • Stalking at the bottom of the plank
  • Lack of speed
  • Failure to stop in the competition ring

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About the Author
Rachel Sanders lives in Atascadero, California where she operates Fast Forward Dog Sports. For the past 25 years, Rachel has been involved in a variety of dog training activities, including competitive obedience, hearing-dog training, and agility training. Since 1994, her focus has been solely on agility. Rachel lives with five Border Collies (Spinner, Whist, Fable, Stuie, and Gifted) and two JRTs (Trump and Better). She currently competes with Fable, Stuie, and Better. She has earned ADCH titles on four dogs (Spinner, Whist, Trump, and Fable) and MACH titles on three dogs (Whist MACH3, Trump MACH2, and Fable). Rachel and her dogs are familiar faces in the finals of both AKC and USDAA national championships, and she has won the top spot on the podium four times. In addition, Rachel and Fable represented the U.S. in international competition (IFCS World Championships). Rachel is a regular seminar presenter and a favorite instructor at agility camps throughout the United States.


  • Why Use Fences?
  • The 2-On/2-Off Cue
  • Maintenance of the 2-On/2-Off Position
  • When to Start Training
  • Training Timeline

Foundation Training

  • Release Cue Test
  • About Weight Shift
  • Shaping the Travel Plank
  • Adding the Fences
  • Problem Solving: Dogs that Sniff
  • Problem Solving: Dogs that Move Their Feet
  • In Reach/Out of Reach Game
  • Tugging On Different Surfaces

Adding a Cue & Developing Independence

Using Stairs to Teach Mechanics

Putting the Behavior on Cue

Changing Handler Location & the Dog’s Starting Location

Raising the Travel Plank

Training on the Dogwalk

Adding Handler Motion & Fading the Fences

Proofing the Release

  • The Final Picture
  • Getting Started with Proofing

Problem Solving

  • Introduction
  • Coming Off the Side of the Plank
  • Stalking & Lack of Understanding
  • Only Three Feet on the Plank
  • Lack of Speed
  • Dog Won’t Stop in the Competition Ring

Training a 2-On/2-Off on the A-frame


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