Clean Run Magazine - April 2020

Clean Run Magazine - April 2020

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A few of the features: Sandy Rogers explains how to take into account everything that can and does effect your agility runs so that you can run smarter next time; Jo Sermon discusses common causes and solutions for "ring-only" weaving problems; Greg Derrett looks at how judges can ensure they have the best view in the house that is consistent for every dog; Nancy Gyes shares jump drills for youngsters who are just starting their training; a look at 25 years of Clean Run history; John Reid shares sequences for small spaces; PT Carolyn McIntyre discusses why canine conditioning is important and how to incorporate it into your dog's training; Dr. Kathrine McAleese shares thoughts on how to set goals that fit your priorities, Kama Rueschenberg suggests how to create the best mental attitude for agility, Steve Schwarz shows you how to wring every challenge you can out of your small space by moving and rotating jumps; Melanie Miller presents some ideas to optimize the trial experience for you and your dog so that you are set up for success; and more. 60 pages.


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