Clean Run Magazine - June 2020

Clean Run Magazine - June 2020

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A few of the features: Sandy Rogers helps you develop consistent handling for each type of configuration you'll encounter on an agility course; Jo Sermon provides advice for the dogs who are perfect in training but can't hold their contacts in the ring; sports veterinarians explain the stress of training and competition on your dog's immune, psychological, and GI systems; Rachel Downs starts a series on the importance of stimulus control; John Reid shares sequences for small spaces; Debbie Harrison continues her series on "compulsary" skills for agility success (this month looks at groundwork skills for the team); Elaine Rinicker shares nested courses; Lee Gibson discusses the importance of skill setting in course design; Carolyn McIntyre explains why weave poles are so physically demanding for our dogs; Steve Schwarz shares five techniques you can use to make simple modifications to an existing sequence to dramatically change the handling challenges; Nancy Gyes puts up international-style drills; and more. 60 pages.


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