Clean Run Magazine - January 2012

Clean Run Magazine - January 2012



A few of the features: Anne Andrle shares exercises designed to help your dog learn how to bend his body for better jumping, Elayne Fletcher explains how hypnosis can help improve your mental game, Kathy Keats answers the question about what obstacle performance times you should be aiming for, Dawn Weaver explains why knowledge equals speed, Dr. Debbie Gross Saunders provides exercises for dogs with straight rears, Frankie Joiris shows us a new trick to help foster rear-end awareness and coordination, Dr. Peter Lotsikas looks at hip luxation in the agility dog, Nancy Gyes obsesses on four jumps, Greg Derrett analyzes a course with international challenges, Kathy Keats starts a new series on mental management, Rachel Sanders shares exercises for equalizing the value of food and toys, Mary Ellen Barry starts a new series on "What's in Your Toolbox," and much more! 68 pages.

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