Kristy Netzer At the age of 13, Kristy Netzer discovered her love of dogs. She began working as a groomer's assistant and then made a fateful deal with her parents. If she earned enough money, she could purchase her own dog. At $2.50 an hour, it was a daunting task. But Kristy met her goal. She and her Golden Retriever, Calypso, hit the dog obedience circuit. After receiving her CDX, Kristy attended the first-ever USDAA agility seminar in Southern California. The teamwork, competition, and fun attracted her to this wonderful new sport in 1989. In 1993, Kristy was a founding member of the first officially sanctioned USDAA club in Southern California, West...

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Dial Up the Distance

Dial Up the Distance

Kristy Netzer
Streaming DVD

Subtitle: How to Train Distance and Use It on Course Author: Kristy Netzer Running Time: 2 hours, 8 minutes Bonus Materials: 63-page training booklet in PDF format Release Date: 2010 Each chapter of the original Dial Up the Distance DVD has been made into a "lesson" in one of our Learning Center cla......
