Carla Simon Dr. Carla Simon BSc MD MBA is a professional canine scent detection handler, retired AAC agility judge, Canine Good Neighbor evaluator (CKC), and Brittany breeder from Calgary, Canada. She is the owner of Hunter's Heart, which trains "bombproof detection dogs, service dogs, and working dogs" since 1999.

Carla has been a nosework judge for CKC, K9 ABC Games, and UKC and has been teaching and judging the sport of nosework since 2015. She is the Senior Regional Representative for the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) Scent Detection Council, Contributing Editor for the American Brittany Magazine (AKC) and former Chair of the performance...

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Laser Focus, Play, and Impulse Control Games

Laser Focus, Play, and Impulse Control Games

Dr. Carla Simon, BSc MD MBA
Self-Study Course

How do you get your dog to work for longer periods? Build laser focus! How do you motivate your dog to eagerly play, train, or compete with you? Harness your dog's natural drives and build a desire for work.  This course is designed for puppies and young dogs, as well as for handlers who are in the......
