Focus on Jumping
Bobbie LyonsSelf-Study Course
Learn specific exercises that will help your dog jump with less effort, but more power and fluid motion. This class will improve your dog's muscle engagement, strength, and overall understanding of how to use his whole body—not just power from the rear—to efficiently take a jump. You will work on in......

Foundation Jumping
Susan SaloStreaming DVD
Author: Susan Salo Running Time: 4 hours, 23 minutes Release Date: 2008 Each chapter of the original Foundation Jumping 4-DVD set has been made into a "lesson" in one of our Learning Center classrooms, and each subchapter has been made into an activity for the appropriate lesson. This gives you a qu......

Jumping Drills for Mechanical Skills
Dudley ShumateSelf-Study Course
What do we want our dogs to learn about jumping? What do they naturally offer? How do we get the ultimate performance in the most efficient way? In this class, a drill or exercise is a series of obstacles specifically designed to elicit a particular jumping style. Appropriate drills help teach your......

Proofing Jump Work with Motion
Susan SaloStreaming DVD
Author: Susan Salo Running Time: 4 hours, 6 minutes Release Date: 2012 Each chapter of the original Proofing Jump Work with Motion 3-DVD set has been made into a "lesson" in one of our Learning Center classrooms, and each subchapter has been made into an activity for the appropriate lesson. This giv......

Puppy Jumping
Susan SaloStreaming DVD
Author: Susan Salo Running Time: 1 hours, 23 minutes Release Date: 2009 Each chapter of the original Puppy Jumping DVD has been made into a "lesson" in one of our Learning Center classrooms, and each subchapter has been made into an activity for the appropriate lesson. This gives you a quick and eas......

The Importance of Jumping Mechanics & A Method for Teaching Them
Susan SaloOn-Demand Webinar
Path? Distance? Height? Weight transfer? Elevation? To successfully clear a jump, these are the questions a dog must have the answers to at the same speed the dog is traveling toward the jump in his path. While watching gymnastics, you see the athlete run at speed along a path and then set to jump w......