All 2014 Clean Run Digital Editions

All 2014 Clean Run Digital Editions

Use this option to purchase all 12 back issues from 2014 in one transaction. You will NOT receive the digital issues immediately after purchase. We must set up access to your digital back issues manually. We will send you an email within 24 business hours with instructions on how the digital subscri......

Clean Run Magazine - April 2014

Clean Run Magazine - April 2014

A few of the features: Mary Ellen Barry explains the Jaakko Turn (or Backy-Uppy Blind), Janita Leinonen and Jaakko Suoknuuti of Finland discuss the important skills for a dog and handler to develop in the OneMind Dogs methodology, Nancy Gyes explains how to get our dogs to respond to acceleration an......

Clean Run Magazine - August 2014

Clean Run Magazine - August 2014

A few of the features: Mary Ellen Barry explains the tandem turn, Janita Leinonen and Jaakko Suoknuuti of Finland discuss the importance of the three Cs (connect, commit, cue), Amanda Shyne presents exercises for teaching your dog a moving down, Nancy Gyes discusses training contact/tunnel obstacle......

Clean Run Magazine - December 2014

Clean Run Magazine - December 2014

A few of the features: Mary Ellen Barry completes her two-part article on backsides, Sandy Rogers discusses the pros and cons of handling silently or being a bit of a "blabbermouth" on course, Linda Mecklenburg looks at scope as it applies to jumping, Nancy Gyes puts up international weave pole dril......

Clean Run Magazine - February 2014

Clean Run Magazine - February 2014

A few of the features: Mary Ellen Barry explains the forced front cross, Janita Leinonen and Jaakko Suoknuuti of Finland share the basic handling elements of the OneMind Dogs methodology, Nancy Gyes presents a photo story about tugging, retrieving, and using your toys in agility, Daisy Peel explains......

Clean Run Magazine - January 2014

Clean Run Magazine - January 2014

A few of the features: Mary Ellen Barry begins her series on different handling maneuvers used around the world to turn the dog, Janita Leinonen and Jaakko Suoknuuti of Finland begin a new series on the OneMind Dogs methodology, Nancy Gyes puts up back-of-the-jump training drills, Kathy Keats explai......

Clean Run Magazine - July 2014

Clean Run Magazine - July 2014

A few of the features: Mary Ellen Barry explains the reverse spin, Janita Leinonen and Jaakko Suoknuuti of Finland discuss experimenting with different handling techniques, Daisy Peel shares exercises to help you determine your dog's "blind cross turning radius," Amanda Shyne explains how to train y......

Clean Run Magazine - June 2014

Clean Run Magazine - June 2014

A few of the features: Mary Ellen Barry explains the reverse wrap, Janita Leinonen and Jaakko Suoknuuti of Finland discuss why the OMD system includes so many different handling techniques, Nancy Gyes shares techiques to help your dog get on and off contacts safely and help you implement side change......

Clean Run Magazine - March 2014

Clean Run Magazine - March 2014

A few of the features: Mary Ellen Barry explains the V-set, Janita Leinonen and Jaakko Suoknuuti of Finland share the foundation training for the OneMind Dogs methodology, Nancy Gyes discusses targeting, Kate Bigger shares a training plan for switching from a running to a stopped contact, Amanda Shy......

Clean Run Magazine - May 2014

Clean Run Magazine - May 2014

A few of the features: Mary Ellen Barry explains the reverse V-set, Janita Leinonen and Jaakko Suoknuuti of Finland discuss the concept of handling lines rather than obstacles, Brenna Fender looks at what skills you need to work on if you can't run as fast as your dog, Bobbie Bhambree shares a train......

Clean Run Magazine - November 2014

Clean Run Magazine - November 2014

A few of the features: Mary Ellen Barry explains backsides, Janita Leinonen and Jaakko Suoknuuti of Finland discuss the keys to success in agility, Amanda Shyne shares options for playing with your dog that don't involve tugging, Dr. Sherri Russell presents alternatives to traditional spay and neute......

Clean Run Magazine - October 2014

Clean Run Magazine - October 2014

A few of the features: Mary Ellen Barry explains the double lap turn, Janita Leinonen and Jaakko Suoknuuti of Finland discuss exercises to incorporate into your training sessions that will help you improve both mental and physical handling skills and challenge yourself, Amanda Shyne shares tips for......

Clean Run Magazine - September 2014

Clean Run Magazine - September 2014

A few of the features: Mary Ellen Barry explains the lap turn, Janita Leinonen and Jaakko Suoknuuti of Finland discuss agility from the dog's point of view, Amanda Shyne shows you how to teach your dog to back up, Dawn Wasicek offers advice for handlers with dogs that run away at the end of an agili......
