Clean Run Magazine - November 2014

Clean Run Magazine - November 2014



A few of the features: Mary Ellen Barry explains backsides, Janita Leinonen and Jaakko Suoknuuti of Finland discuss the keys to success in agility, Amanda Shyne shares options for playing with your dog that don't involve tugging, Dr. Sherri Russell presents alternatives to traditional spay and neuter surgeries, Daisy Peel puts up exercises for improving your dog's comfort with spread jumps, Nancy Gyes shares drills to help you work on weave discrimination with tunnels and jumps, Sandy Rogers discusses when play isn't fun for your dog, Sally Silverman interviewsDave Grubel, Lauren Langman covers some of the common problems people have with getting their dog to play, Denise Fenzi and Deborah Jones discuss the science behind stress. 68 pages.

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