Clean Run Magazine - September 2014

Clean Run Magazine - September 2014



A few of the features: Mary Ellen Barry explains the lap turn, Janita Leinonen and Jaakko Suoknuuti of Finland discuss agility from the dog's point of view, Amanda Shyne shows you how to teach your dog to back up, Dawn Wasicek offers advice for handlers with dogs that run away at the end of an agility run, Linda Rose shares strategies for keeping your dog running when you are sidelined with an injury, Daisy Peel explains how to teach you dog to turn away from you to circle a wingless jump upright or post, Lynne Stephens explains behavior chains and how to use cues as reinforcers, Nancy Gyes sets up exercises to test your dog's discrimination skills, Sally Silverman interviews Jen Pinder, Lauren Langman discusses play in the first of a two-part article, Bud Houston shares thoughts about designing courses for the USDAA Masters Challenge classes, Julia Lane discusses ringside manners, Jan Manning continues her series on agility clubs, Kathy Keats continues her series on perfect timing, Bud Houston breaks down a USDAA Masters Challenge Jumpers course, and more! 68 pages.

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