Jump Training

Video Collection of Early Takeoffs and Related Signs
This is a collection of videos that demonstrate early takeoffs (ETOs) and related signs of varying degrees. They are intended to help further your understanding of what early takeoffs look like, both subtle and more pronounced. 

Jumping... From the Dog's Perspective
Path? Distance? Height? Weight transfer? Elevation? These are the questions that a dog must have the answers to at the same rate of speed the dog is traveling toward the jump in his path if he is to successfully clear it. When breaking down the dog's list of necessary information even further, one quickly begins to understand this process from the dog's perspective.

Jumps from the Dog's Perspective
The dog sees each and every jump as a separate entity because from the dog's point of view, each jump is very different from the last.

What Is Early Takeoff Syndrome?
Early takeoff syndrome (ETS) is a term I use to describe a jumping problem seen in some performance dogs where they take off too early for jumps. The syndrome ranges from a subtle hitch on the dog’s final stride to severe stuttering before a jump. The dog most often inappropriately shortens his last stride before takeoff, but some dogs simply leave out the last stride. In both cases, the takeoff distance is too far back leading to the dog’s jumping arc peaking before the bar, and the dog begins the descent phase of the arc before he reaches the hurdle. As a result, the dog may knock bars.

Which Way to Excellence
Let's compare the speed of your dog through a turn with your dog's straight-line speed over jumps.

Why Teach Your Dog to Jump?
When Dana Crevling gave me this topic to speak on at the Clean Run Instructor Conference I immediately thought it would be a great topic for an article. As I have often stated, we all know most dogs can jump, so why would we need to train the skill? Because when the dog chooses to jump, he has a focused mind (he sees where he is going) so his body can respond appropriately. When we insert ourselves into the picture, the dog now must divide his focus and multitask. Since he must follow the handler and perform the job of jumping, his jumping task becomes far more complex, to say the least.

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