A few of the features: Linda Mecklenburg discusses double front crosses and blended front crosses, Laura Manchester Derrett helps you with your start-line training, Sandy Rogers looks at the challenges of getting and maintaing a connection with your dog, Jubie Rueschenberg details the when, where, and hows of delivering rewards, Dr. Kurt Schulz and Dr. Peter Lotsikas detail new options in the management of elbow arthritis, Frankie Joiries shows us how to teach our dog left- and right-foot targeting, Ann Croft shares ideas for training smart when you can't train a lot, Deborah Jones shares lesson plans for week 8 of a FOCUS and impulse-control class, Annie Pyle puts up exercises for circle work, Jamie McKay discusses the curve balls that you might have to deal with at agility competitions, Stuart Mah presents exercises for interval training, and much more! 68 pages.
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