Clean Run Magazine - October 2018 Digital Edition

Clean Run Magazine - October 2018 Digital Edition

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A few of the features: Sandy Rogers presents six ways to handle a 270 and also continues her series on how not to lose your 2-on/2-off contacts; Anne Stocum explains how to avoid frustration and keep your focus on the solution when you hit a training bump or wall; Emma Parsons addresses the importance of starting to prepare for a trial so you're connected with your dog from the moment you leave home; Eileen Anderson discusses errorless learning and choice; Jo Sermon explains the use of appropriate rewards to produce enthusiastic performances; Mia Grant shares drills for tuning up for a big event; Dr. Sherman Canapp and Susan Garrett present the facts and data about medial shoulder syndrome and returning to agility after treatment; John Reid shares drills that fit in a 60ft. x 40ft. training space and provide opportunities for practicing backside sends to tunnels and working on cueing tunnel exit "turnbacks;" and more! 52 pages.


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