Let's Talk Contact Training

Let's Talk Contact Training

Instructor: Sandy Rogers
Course Type: On-Demand Discussion

This is a recording of a live Zoom that Sandy Rogers did on July 7, 2021. Sandy held an open discussion on contact training and allowed attendees to ask her anything! The 69-minute discussion includes an exploration of different "job descriptions" for the dog on each contact obstacle and the importance of having a fun and effective way to maintain the dog's end behaviors on contacts.

You need to watch this free online discussion on contact obstacle performance...

  • If you don't love your dog’s current level of comprehension of the task.
  • If you are hoping your dog’s weak performance will surely get better as time goes on.
  • If you don’t want to spend the time to train because you're considering a running contact instead.
  • If you want some tips on how to determine if running or stopped is best for you and your dog.
  • If you are considering a running teeter as well as a running dogwalk and A-frame.
  • If you have different "paw job descriptions" for two or more of the contact obstacles and don’t know how to keep it clear for your dog.
  • If you are not sure how to communicate progress or errors with your dog in the trial environment.

How do I access the video?

There is no charge for this presentation, but you will have to complete the checkout process and pay for any other items you order. After you finish checking out, you will receive 2 email confirmations: the first is a receipt acknowledging that your order has been received and the second email contains the link for your Clean Run Learning Center program. Just click on the link in the email to complete enrollment. If you already have a Learning Center account, then you will go directly to your educational program. If you do not, then you will enter your email address and a password to use for this Learning Center program and any future ones your purchase. Please be aware that this is a separate account you are establishing on https://cleanrunonline.com/home and it is not the same as your Clean Run website account (although you can use the same email and password for both accounts). 

If you have a Clean Run website account, then you can also access your program at anytime by signing in at cleanrun.com and selecting Classes/Webinars from the My Account menu. 

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