If you have a long tunnel and sufficient training space, there's no end to the tunnel skills you can teach your dog; however, not all of us have access to full-size equipment or large training spaces. But don't despair, just a 4'-long tunnel allows you to train lots of skills, and do so in a small space.
Of course you can work on tunnel entries and exits with a short tunnel, but you can use a short tunnel to teach other concepts, like discriminations and distance work. This class will give you tons of ideas and show you the how to get started with your training.
The course teaches basic tunnel skills (entries, crosses, and turns on a tunnel), obstacle discriminations, training for how to avoid off-course tunnel options; weave entries coming from a tunnel, weave exits going to a tunnel, and distance skills. Plus there's a bonus section not counted in the 60 things!
There are 34 sequences (short courses of 9-15 obstacles) on which you can practice the skills taught in the course. Out of these sequences, 15 include video demonstrations.
Exercises in this self-study course can be performed with a full-size tunnel as well. There is something for everyone in this course... as long as you have a tunnel!
You can start this self-study course whenever you like. It includes lessons that you can complete at your own pace. There are no fixed deadlines or due dates.
What is included with your purchase?
- Access to all course materials on both mobile devices and your computer
- Downloadable content for off-line access when you're out training
- Keep what you buy—No expiring content
This course is aimed toward beginner, novice, intermediate, and advanced dogs and their handlers. There are exercises for dogs at all levels!
Equipment and space needed
- A tunnel (minimum 4 feet) and appropriate tunnel bags
- 12 weave poles (6 will work with modification to the exercise layout)
- 4 jumps (winged are preferred)
- A-frame, teeter, or dogwalk (The contact is needed for only one lesson and four sequences; you can easily skip these if you like.)
- Maximum space needed is 40' x 60' to do the largest exercises as drawn; however, all exercises can be fit into smaller spaces. Twenty-three sequences are set in a 40' x 60' area. The rest of the sequences and exercises fit in a 40' x 40' space or significantly smaller.
How do I access my Learning Center purchase?
After you complete your purchase using your credit card or PayPal, you will receive 2 email confirmations: the first is a receipt acknowledging that your order has been received and the second email contains the link for your Clean Run Learning Center program. Just click on the link in the email to complete enrollment. If you already have a Learning Center account, then you will go directly to your educational program. If you do not, then you will enter your email address and a password to use for this Learning Center program and any future ones your purchase. Please be aware that this is a separate account you are establishing on https://cleanrunonline.com/home and it is not the same as your Clean Run website account (although you can use the same email and password for both accounts).
If you have a Clean Run website account, then you can also access your program at anytime by signing in at cleanrun.com and selecting Classes/Webinars from the My Account menu.
Refund Policy
Please be aware that there are no refunds for on-demand/self-study courses, on-demand lessons, or webinars.
We suggest that you read the information provided carefully before making your purchase. If you have any questions about whether the content is right for you, please email us.