Neon Pink
Neon Pink
Neon Pink

5/8" BioThane Sighthound-Style Solid-Color Martingale Leash - 6ft


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These sighthound-style, all-in-one martingale leads are incredibly well made and very popular for agility, dock diving, lure coursing, scent work, barn hunt, and your everyday walk. They are made with 520 Super Heavy Beta Biothane, which is strong enough to be used for equine products, and industrial stitching which does not degrade the strength of the leads as rivets do. The hardware is stainless steel.

This is an easy to slip on the neck collar-and-leash-in-one that secures your dog without the leash tightening around your dog's neck like a traditional slip lead.The leash portion of this martingale lead is 5/8" wide and 6' long. The collar portion is made from 1"-wide BioThane and is available in different sizes to fit different neck sizes. 

BioThane is completely waterproof and very durable. It's also non-porous so these long lines will not retain odor, and they clean easily with soap and water or a disinfectant wipe. 

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