Clean Run Magazine - May 2016

Clean Run Magazine - May 2016



A few of the features: Mary Ellen Barry demonstrates the OneMind Dogs collected front cross technique, Debbie Harrison explains how the agility training matrix can help you pinpoint exactly where your agility problems lie, Sandy Rogers discusses how to improve trialing skills such as course walking and reading the course map, Brenna Fender starts a series on indoor flooring for agility with a look at foam/EVA flooring options, Kathy Lofthouse discusses how to help our dogs overcome negative experiences that occur during agility training or trials, Pamela Dennison concludes her series on training multiple dogs without losing your mind, Amanda Shyne shares suggestions for integrating a new agility puppy into your home when you also have a human toddler, Kristy Netzer continues her series on how to train legendary lead-outs, Frankie Joiris and Chris Ott continue to discuss your puppy's impulse control around toys and also begin work on using the toy as a motivator for specific skills, Nancy Gyes shares drills that provide work on sending your dog to a tunnel with the entrance facing away from the dog's line, Tori Self continues her series on sportsmanship, Cindy Deak concludes her discussion of "R" calls in agility, Patricia Pointing shares plans for building a PVC wing jump that can be easily converted to a nonwinged double, Tracy Sengupta suggests ways to manage your mobile phone for maximum safety when you're traveling, and more! 68 pages.


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