A few of the features: Ann Croft details an alternative way to train the end behavior of the four-on-the-floor contact in the first of a three-part series, Moe Strenfel gives you tips for training "unusual" breeds for agility, a group of trainers offers advice for training small dogs, Roxanne Hawn shares ideas for finding more money to train and compete in agility, Sally Silverman tells you what to look for to help you decide when it's time to retire your older agility dog, Robin Whitsell looks at some ways to get volunteers coming back to your trial year after year, Linda Mecklenburg discusses standard cue combinations, Debbie Gross Sanders looks at balance board work, Jane Killion continues her series on teaching your Pigs Fly dog to weave, Mary Ellen Barry shows you a simple trick for teaching your dog to work at your side, Susan Perry concludes her three-part series on teaching your dog to work away, Deborah Jones talks about start-line routines, and much more! 84 pages.
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