Flexiness SensiMat V6 for FlexBlox

Flexiness SensiMat V6 for FlexBlox

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Flexiness fitness products were created by a canine physiotherapist and certified canine fitness trainer in Switzerland.

Flexiness Fitness SensiMats are specifically designed for a dog's sensitive paws. The mats can be used on the floor or on top of other fitness equipment to help with paw grip and traction, tactile stimulation for puppies, proprioception, and posture. 

The SensiMat V6 can be used on its own, but it is shaped so that it fits on top of the Flexiness FlexBlox. The mat is 11.8" square (30 x 30cm).

Flexiness Fitness SensiMats provide you with a portable antislip surface that has many uses:

  • Use to improve foot awareness and proprioception without requiring balance
  • Use to improve your dog's square sit position, a balanced stand, or heel position
  • Use as a foot target or "go to place" target mat
  • Pair with FitPAWS balance products
  • Put on surfaces that benefit from more traction such as an aerobic bench, platforms, or the Klimb
  • Put on a rocker board or wobble board to improve the dog's stance and ability to shift weight
  • Put under cavaletti poles

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