Foundation Jumping

Foundation Jumping

Instructor: Susan Salo
Course Type: Streaming DVD

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Author: Susan Salo
Running Time: 4 hours, 23 minutes
Release Date: 2008

Each chapter of the original Foundation Jumping 4-DVD set has been made into a "lesson" in one of our Learning Center classrooms, and each subchapter has been made into an activity for the appropriate lesson. This gives you a quick and easy way to find material that you want to go back and re-watch. 

Your purchase includes:

  • Access on mobile devices and your computer.
  • Ability do download the files to your mobile device so you can use them offline while you're out training.
  • Keep what you buy—No expiring content; you can go back any time to watch the videos.


Most of us spend a lot of time lavishly reinforcing good contact zone performances and start-line stays, but we don't think about reinforcing and building value for the one thing the agility dog will do more of in his career than anything else—Jump!

Every course your dog will ever run is primarily made up of jumps; and yet, it is the least taught and understood skill set in agility. Because a dog can jump doesn't mean that he knows how to jump. As handlers, we tend to focus on practicing drills that are designed to perfect the dog's understanding of our positional cues and handling maneuvers. We neglect to offer the dog an opportunity to hone the skills needed to master each component involved in jumping: path, distance, appropriate takeoff place, weight transfer, angle of elevation, and height. Gridwork gives the dog an opportunity to focus on each of these components so that he can develop understanding of the task. Gridwork also gives us a training methodology for building value into the jumps, which ultimately affects how the jumps are perceived by the dog.

When a dog understands how to jump, he will run more smoothly, efficiently, and decisively; therefore, he will be faster and less prone to injury.

This streaming video includes all the jumping grids taught by Susan in her 3-day "Foundation Jumping" seminars. As a bonus, it also includes a 25-page PDF file with notes and diagrams for all the exercises as well as PDF files for seven articles that Susan has written for Clean Run magazine.

Note: It is strongly recommended that you watch the entire DVD before beginning this jump training program. The goal is not to perfect each jump grid and then move on to the next; rather, it is to work on two or three different grids each week, varying which ones you select to train each time.

How do I access my Learning Center purchase?

After you complete your purchase using your credit card or PayPal, you will receive 2 email confirmations: the first is a receipt acknowledging that your order has been received and the second email contains the link for your Clean Run Learning Center program. Just click on the link in the email to complete enrollment. If you already have a Learning Center account, then you will go directly to your educational program. If you do not, then you will enter your email address and a password to use for this Learning Center program and any future ones your purchase. Please be aware that this is a separate account you are establishing on and it is not the same as your Clean Run website account (although you can use the same email and password for both accounts). 

If you have a Clean Run website account, then you can also access your program at anytime by signing in at and selecting Classes/Webinars from the My Account menu. 

Refund Policy

Please be aware that there are no refunds for on-demand courses, on-demand lessons, webinars, or streaming DVDs.

We suggest that you read the information provided carefully before making your purchase. If you have any questions about whether the content is right for you, please email us.

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