K9 Bridle for Dogs
Pink (XS only)
Pink (XS only)
How to Fit
How to Fit
Pink (XS only)
How to Fit

K9 Bridle for Dogs


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You deserve better than a tug of war with your dog whenever you venture out; it's not in your dog's best interest and it's not pleasant or safe for you. But not every dog learns to walk at your side easily. The K9 Bridle is a simple but clever tool designed to communicate with your dog in a way that he understands.

Do not confuse the K9 Bridle with other training halters that are available. We're sure that you have seen dogs wearing the ones that go into the dogs' eyes, interfere with their mouth, and look like muzzles. But an even bigger problem with these head halters is that the point of control is under the chin, so tension on the leash twists the dog's head to the side. This can cause vertebral damage and the dog also learns that he can still pull if he tilts his head to the side.

The K9 Bridle stops pulling. It works from the back of the neck, exactly where you need to have control, on a principle similar to a bit-less bridle for horses—if that will stop a horse, it can also stop a dog. When the lead is tightened, pressure is applied to the front of the dog's face and tells the dog to not to pull. The dog easily understands this clear and precise signal. He soon learns that when he moves forward from the heel or close position the bridle applies slight pressure and reminds him where he should be. Force is not required, and it should be avoided! The goal of this tool is effortless control. No strength is required by the handler, making it ideal for people with disabilities. This is the next generation of training halters offering total effortless control.

Designed primarily to stop dogs pulling on the lead, the K9 Bridle has proved to give amazing results with dogs that have behavioral and aggression issues.

Important: The K9 Bridle is used in conjunction with a flat buckle collar. As a safety device, there is a strap under the chin. Should the unthinkable happen and your dog manages to get the bridle off, you are still attached to your dog as shown in our product video.

What size bridle does your dog need? Click on the Sizing tab above for instructions on how to measure your dog and choose the appropriate size.

The K9 Bridle is adjustable but it's important to choose the correct size for your dog. Click on the link below and select the breed(s) that best matches your dog. Females often have smaller skulls than males so there are sometimes two sizes next to a breed listing. There is occasionally the exception to the rule; if you find that the size is wrong please contact us.

Breed & Bridle Size Chart

You can also measure your dog's head. The measurement is taken in one continuous figure-eight around the dog's muzzle and neck, as pictured.

 Size Measurement in inches  Metric 
 XS  Less than 23.5"  Less than 60cm
 Small  23.5 - 27.5"  60 - 70cm
 Medium 27.5 - 35"   70 - 90cm
 Large 35 - 42.5"   90 - 108cm

A question we frequently get asked is "How do I get my dog used to the K9 Bridle headcollar?" and it's an important question. If your dog isn't used to headcollars then it’s vital to spend a bit of time getting him used to the feeling of the K9 Bridle on his nose before you take him out on walks. This is the same as when we, as humans, first wear a watch or a pair of glasses, or when your dog was first introduced to his regular collar as a puppy. It’s an unusual feeling for them and we need to help them to get used to it.

Build a positive association with the headcollar

We recommend helping your dog build a positive association with the headcollar right from the first time he sees it. The best way to do this to take some time with your dog, possibly after a walk when he is nice and calm. Have his favorite treats ready or a toy if he prefers. The goal is to ensure that the dog receives treats or his favorite game WHEN THE BRIDLE IS ON, but the game or treats stop as soon as the collar comes off.

Keep the sessions calm

Watch this video of Esther, a 6-month-old Border Collie, being taught that wonderful things happen when she wears the K9 Bridle. As you can see from the video, the whole session is very calm and the dog gets lots of praise and rewards whilst wearing the bridle. This really will set her up well for her first walk out wearing the bridle.

What to do if your dog makes a fuss

Esther was very calm and didn’t protest much about the headcollar at all despite it being only the second time she has worn one. Your dog may be a bit less cooperative. However, you just need to remember the following two points:

  1. Only reward the dog when he is calm and not trying to remove the headcollar.
  1. Only take the headcollar off when the dog is calm. He must not learn that making a fuss will mean the collar comes off. He needs to learn that it only comes off when he is calm.

If you remember these two points then your dog will soon learn that the best things happen when the K9 Bridle is on!

When to take your dog out in the headcollar

Do this as many times a day as you like until the dog doesn’t seem to notice the headcollar any more and is reaching his head forward to have it put on. Once you get to this stage, you are ready to take him out for his first walk wearing the bridle.

Getting your dog used to a dog headcollar from Rachel Rodgers on Vimeo.

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