OneMind Dogs Agility Handling Techniques E-Book

OneMind Dogs Agility Handling Techniques E-Book


Author: Mary Ellen Barry
Length: 262 pages
Release Date: 2021

Janita Leinonen and Jaakko Suoknuuti from Finland are the innovators behind OneMind Dogs (OMD). Their methodology views agility handling from the dog’s perspective. The OMD handling techniques have been given individual names for how the elements of handling are combined for the technique: movement, position, contact with the dog, chest laser pointer, feet, arms, and verbal commands. 

This book is a compilation of articles that were originally published in Clean Run magazine over a three-year period under the title "As the World Turns" with some revisions, including increasing diagram size, removing ads, and updating text as necessary. It documents 39 OneMind Dogs handling techniques and also discusses the 3C's, side cues, jumping on a slice, reality lines vs. fantasy lines, and combining multiple techniques.

The discussion of the various techniques includes 

  • Cues for the technique (elements of handling)
  • Training the technique
  • Common errors
  • Sequences to practice the technique

With hundreds of photos and dozens of linked videos (an Internet connection is needed to view the videos), this is an excellent reference for learning more about the different techniques.

E-Book Format: This E-Book in only available as a PDF file. A PDF file can be read with Adobe Reader on your computer or laptop, and can also be transferred to various reading devices from your computer. 

Please note that you must have an account in the Clean Run store to purchase and access the download. If you do not have an account, you will be prompted to create one when you check out. Once you have completed checkout, you can get your E-Book by going to your account download page, For instructions on how to download the file to your personal computer and then transfer it to your reading device, please go to How Do I Load My E-Book to My Reading Device?

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